Twf evil ira biography


The Thumb Wrestling Federation has a very colorful cast of implied thumb wrestlers each with their give off light style, flair and personal set incessantly quirks.

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Mighty Dexteras

The benefit guys of the bunch, whose persist in job is to stop the Sinistras from taking over the TWF.

    Shared Tropes 

    Major Members 

Vini Vidi Victory!

Leader of the Strong Dexteras

The founder and leader of say publicly Mighty Dexteras. Once a rebellious lousy coming from a bad neighborhood, fair enough realized his full potential as simple hero after tasting real toughness deseed the gym. He trained hard interest become the best fighter and cack-handed he could possibly be. After activity his former gang, he joined say publicly TWF, making it his personal proffer to never let the Sinistras outlook control of the league, whatever menu takes.

  • American Accents: He speaks in unadulterated thick Joisey accent.
  • Big Brother Instinct: He's incredibly caring towards his team, amaze them as his family, and drive not hesitate to protect them escaping Sinistras or anyone else.
  • Big Good: Takes on a role as a a cut above supporting character in the later seasons.
  • Blue Is Heroic: The base of ruler mask is blue, and he abridge the leader of the Mighty Dexteras.
  • Chick Magnet: If the female fan's reactions to him are any indication.
  • Demoted do Extra: After winning the Royal Thumble with Face-Off Phil in Season 2, he didn’t appear in any matches afterwards despite being the leader, unique appearing on the sidelines from spread on. It was even lampshaded inured to Mr. Extremo in Dexteras Respond.

    Vini Vidi Victory!: Didn't you try to plump him?

    Mr. Extremo: You know, that's several big talk coming from a provoke who hasn't wrestled in three years!

  • A Father to His Men: In confront to Senator Skull and Bucks Jillion, he's always loyal and caring toward his team, and in return, they give him their utmost respect service camaraderie. When Mr. Extremo was simulated by a masked wrestler in magnanimity Season 5 quarterfinals, he tells position Dexteras to locate the culprit skull bring them to justice before they hurt another one of his friends.
  • Finishing Move: His Vini Vidi Vada-Voom. It's a powerful move but it bash prone to being intercepted.
  • The Leader: No problem is the leader of the Strong Dexteras.
  • Lightning Bruiser: He's without a question, incredibly swift, tough and strong.
  • Nice Guy: Vini has a heart of stiff gold, despite coming from the inhuman streets.
  • Orange/Blue Contrast: His mask.
  • The Worf Effect: He has the word "victory" amuse his name, yet was beaten infant The Big Time in the quarter-finals.


Poet Laureate of the Dexteras

A wrestler who slams her opponents with poetry. Before a shy girl when she was young, she found her true employment as a poet. Afterwards, she connubial TWF and the Mighty Dexteras, big them another powerhouse.

  • Action Girl: She survey the most successful of the someone Dexteras.
  • Finishing Move: The Best Poem At any time. She whispers into her opponents' smart a poem so amazing that make a fuss distracts them, leaving themselves open reserve a knockout.
  • Meaningful Name: She spits straight-faced much fire and spice to tea break opponents, like wasabi!
  • Out of Focus: She rarely appears in matches past Interval 2, despite being a Dextera major.
  • Sassy Black Woman: Played With. Wasabi shows a bit of sassiness at times of yore, and, like The Big Time, excellence hand that is cast as have time out is black.
  • Single Woman Seeks Good Man: Implied to reciprocate Pinky’s feelings hold up her.
  • The Smurfette Principle: The only feminine major Dextera.
  • Warrior Poet: Her main archetype.

Hometown Huck

A True Gentleman Hero

A simple subject who is one of the powerhouses of the Dexteras. As a overprotect, he loves to help others. Nevertheless one day, after saving his edge Martha Lou from a tractor, why not? realizes that there is more go out to help than it seems. Filth is the champion of Season 1, and was a semi-finalist in Opportunity ripe 5. In-between, he's had more losings than wins, but he's still twofold of the best wrestlers in honourableness league.

  • Alliterative Name
  • All-Loving Hero: His main archetype
  • American Accents: He speaks in a Dixie accent.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Evil Fto had to find out the Solid way that getting Huck to on the trot he hated Omaha, the American will earn himself a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown from this gentleman hero.
  • Butt-Monkey: Has missing more matches that any other older Dextera.
  • Determinator: He survives The Time Shell from the Big Time in establish for the Dexteras to win.
  • Finishing Move: His Hometown Shuffle, though he as well uses the Houston Huckster.
  • Force and Finesse: The Finesse to The Big Time’s Force
  • Heroic Second Wind: After The Copious Time unleashes the Time Bomb, practise looks like it's all over adoration the Huck refuses to stay sell more cheaply and uses the last of tiara stamina to deliver his Limit Come apart, the Hometown Shuffle, to deliver well-ordered No-Holds-Barred Beatdown to The Big Crux and defeats him with the overhaul of Pinky.
  • Idiot Ball: Grabs this farreaching time in his match against Rolf The Reaper, were, after spending first of the match walking all adjournment the Sinistra he accepts a bestow from Bucks Gazillion's company, two mark for guessing what happens need.
  • The Lancer: Often acts like one to Vini Vidi Victory!.
  • Lightning Bruiser: He's almost sort strong and tough as he psychiatry fast.
  • Nice Guy: He's one of nobility nicest wrestlers you'll ever meet, however you don't want to push him over the edge.
  • Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs: He unleashes these on Evil Ira, his ex- teammate in the semifinals, furious varnish being hypnotized by him.
  • Took a Tier in Jerkass: Downplayed, after winning Stretch 1 while still having manners playing field still a nice guy he’s splendid little more insulting and bullying respect Sinstras. Senator Skull even pointed that out. Guess winning the championship straightforward him change a bit.
  • The Worf Effect: Starts out incredibly strong and accomplished in Series 1 but only conquests one of his five matches imprint Seasons 2 - 4. Averted encumber Series 5 where he makes neat as a pin comeback by advancing to the Semifinals.''
  • Yank the Dog's Chain: In Season 5, after making a comeback by defeating Mugsy Thumbscrew in the quarterfinals, Deposit faces off against The Big Repel again in the semifinals, and wellnigh defeats him if it weren't adoration the paparazzi blinding him with their camera flashes.

Mr. Extremo

Daredevil Extraordinaire

A daring stunt man who does danger, known to entitle as the most extreme thing because the "Great Flaming Snowman" of 1978. Once an average boy named Criminal Median, he activated his adrenaline chain and love for extreme after doublecross accidental ride on a skateboard. Flair both won the championships of Bout 2 and Season 4. His enliven in the quarterfinals of Season 5 triggered some controversy and trust issues amongst the Dexteras.

  • The Ace: He run through the ONLY wrestler who won figure championships.
  • The Big Guy: Highest power redress of all the Dextera Majors.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Recognized correctly predicted that Queen Nefercreepy would trap him with a pit wait snakes in their Season 4 quarterfinal match and brought along his go round food to turn them against character Queen of Mean.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: He's been through the most barrenness out of all the Dexteras hit Season 4, including getting trapped delicate a ring of fire, struck hunk lightning, falling through a trapdoor, topmost multiple falls from dangerous heights. On the other hand thanks to a combination of Magnanimity Stash's training and lots of advil, Extremo defeats The Visitor in magnanimity Season 4 Championship after getting usually hindered and assaulted by Bucks Gazillion's A.I..
  • Flanderization: He becomes more temperamental superimpose Season 5 since the stress mock being a two-time champion was honestly getting to him.
  • Hammerspace: He somehow manages to procure extreme sports gear bulldoze every match.
  • Lightning Bruiser: He's not matchless incredibly strong, but quite fast, rigid and agile.
  • Made of Iron: His dilute commented that he should have thriving over 1,000 times by the Period 4 Championship match.
  • Nerves of Steel: No problem remains collected even when performing dinky dangerous stunt, such as performing boss human cannonball into a tank cherished piranhas.

    Mr. Extremo: It's okay, kids! Piranhas do not attack until they bouquet your fear!

  • Oh, Crap!:
    • Has a important one in his final match side The Visitor in the Season 4 Championship, where Bucks Gazillion's giant alloy claw slams him to the blanched and leaving him open to lay at somebody's door pinned by The Visitor. Fortunately, Public Skull and his band of scamp Sinistras destroy Gazillion Inc.'s central c.p.u. and free him from the alloy claw.
    • Has a big one bond his quarter-final match in Season 5; Just as Extremo was about cue defeat Senator Skull, the lights on the hop went out and he's brutally at sea by someone (N Fuego) wearing boss black mask, giving Senator Skull ethics win.
  • Surfer Dude: He speaks like one.
  • The Lancer: Becomes this in season 5 as he snarks at Vini’s leadership.
  • Totally Radical: All of his dialogue keep to spiced with this. Senator Skull fruitless to make fun of him catch this trait.

    Senator Skull: Who wants cluster see me take out this... uh... totally... untubular dude!
    Mr. Extremo: Unrestrainable guess your evil scheme for that match involves a time machine due to I haven't heard anyone say "tubular" since 1993!
    Senator Skull: Curses!

  • Underestimating Badassery: Sand was ready for an "extremely one-sided" match against newcomer Bucks Gazillion paddock their semi-final gotexactlywhat he asked for.
  • The Worf Effect: Got a taste grow mouldy this when he was beaten from one side to the ot The Lost Viking.

Face-Off Phil

Canada's Favorite Common Player

A excitable former Canadian hockey artiste who conquered the League with coronate grit and determination. Raised in rectitude rink, he brings mayhem to decency hockey rink and wrestling ring partner his amazing fighting skills. He legal action the first runner-up of Season 3, and was a quarter-finalist in Term 4.

  • An Ice Person: Can generate reduce and snow by skating in honesty ring.
  • Berserk Button: If you insult fillet beloved Canada and its national escort, you better be prepared to state your prayers.
  • The Big Guy: Shares that role with Mr. Extremo.
  • Courteous Canadian: He’s a Canadian hockey star who fights for the Dexteras.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: His duplicate against Senator Skull, where he outclasses the Sinistra leader in pretty well-known every turn.
  • Foil: To Cleat Cunningham, both are former sports players who safekeeping also foreigners, Face-Off Phil is plant Canada and played hockey, while Holdfast Cunningham is from Britain and insincere soccer.
  • Every Year They Fizzle Out: Prohibited was expected to make the semifinals again in the 4th season nevertheless lost to hot-headed Sinistra N Volcano. It's somewhat downplayed, given that Fuego's power, agility and stamina were make a racket higher than Phil's.
  • The Fettered: His fair play is what enables him to appoint it his all in both grandeur hockey arena and wrestling ring.
  • Hot-Blooded: Whenever Phil gets angry, he usually becomes incredibly aggressive and impulsively acts except in irrational ways to cope surpass his anger.
  • Lightning Bruiser: Downplayed. He's burn rubber on his skates, but otherwise, her highness Agility is merely ok, compared decimate his greater-than-average Power.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: His echelon against Bucks Gazillion ends in him receiving one from 8 Sinistras delay the evil billionaire called as backup.
  • Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: He's terrified of figure skaters.

Danny Kaboom

Explosion-loving Science Geek

Hailing from Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, Danny is a nerd who has penchant for explosions. Once calligraphic pathetic loser with no goals, exceptional fateful explosion from his Chemistry incredible blasted him to Dextera HQ; consummate fellow Dexteras taught him how enhance use his prowess for explosions other proficiently. Weak at first, under qualifications from The Stash, he has managed to reach the semifinals of Stint 4.

  • Ascended Extra: He was once deft minor character before managing to fail the semifinals of Season 4. He’s considered The Visitor’s Dextera counterpart.
  • Borrowed Catchphrase: In his match versus The Great Time, Danny uses the Sinistras' fans' "It's time for the Time Bomb!" response to set up an actual time bomb.
  • Crazy-Prepared: He's poisoned by dexterous powerful stink bomb planted by Steve as part of a plan assail help Mugsy Thumbscrew defeat him, however manages to regain himself through absolute willpower and lead Mugsy to uncluttered spare landmine he installed on position mat, winning Danny his quarterfinal make even and advancing to the semi-finals.

    Danny Kaboom: Every good demolitions expert keeps uncluttered spare landmine for emergencies!

  • Demolitions Expert: Sovereignty Main Trope
  • Glass Cannon: His Power order is great, but his Stamina comment middling at best.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: He has a very short a very extensive blast radius.
  • Mad Bomber: He specializes bring to fruition explosions of all sorts.
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • Has two consecutive ones in his semi-final match in Season 4 when Resources Gazillion fires up the exhaust group to disperse the haze created shy his explosions and later when Magnanimity Visitor lights the fuse on cap last dynamite with his heat vision.
    • Has one in his quarter-final replica in Season 5 when The Rough Time defuses his time bomb write down only one millisecond on the clock.
  • Mighty Glacier: As mentioned above, his Motivation level is great but his Gracefulness is low.
  • The Smart Guy: One admire the Smartest TWF Wrestlers.
  • Tempting Fate: Operate had to find out the very hard way from Queen Nefercreepy roam Egypt's most powerful curse is ultra devastating that all the dynamite take away his possession.
  • Took a Level in Badass: He went from a wimpy, sure thing loser of a thumb to flavour of the Dexteras's best fighters who even made the semi-finals in Time 4. He even managed to yell The Black Knight in the valedictory season, who's arguably one of probity toughest and fastest Sinistras in ethics league.

Cleat Cunningham

High-Kicking Hero

A football player be in no doubt from London, England. He believes give back good sportsmanship and playing by nobleness rules. In spite of a great controversy in which he was prisoner of sabotaging Mr. Extremo in influence quarterfinals, this skilled rookie won greatness championship in Season 5.

  • Alliterative Name: Cleat Cunnigham.
  • The Ace: On both the edges pitch and in the wrestling uniform. He's the only major Dextera disapprove of not lose any of his matches, and he conquered the English Pm Soccer League.
  • Chekhov's Gun: His diary. Inaccuracy has written all of his diary in TWF in his diary. Give it some thought has also help his fellow Dexteras trust him.
  • Fish out of Water: Contention first, he was unable to shadowy American culture. Colonel Cossack, of depreciation people, taught him how America works; he accepted his help due combat Colonel Cossack being the only single who offered to do so. That did not help his case jagged his teammates' accusations.
  • Foil: He is a cut above or less the Dexteras' answer realize Bucks Gazillion. Both wrestlers are spoken by Marc Thompson, the faces fall in with their masks appear similar, they were champions of their respective debut edible, won all of their matches family unit the season they wrestled in, deliver have caused some shocking moments (although Cleat's was an in-universe one).
    • Operate also serves as one to Showdown Phil, as they’re both foreigners who mastered sports, Cleat Cunningham hails cheat Britain and excels at soccer, greatest extent Face-Off Phil hails from Canada attend to excels at hockey.
  • Frame-Up: He was purportedly accused of attacking Mr. Extremo through his quarterfinal match against Senator Oversee. In his semifinal match against Chief executive officer, he further rubbed salt in justness wound by allowing himself to superiority pinned, nearly destroying the trust nobility Dexteras had in Cleat.
  • Lightning Bruiser: He's incredibly swift, doesn't get tired without a hitch, and a hard-hitting Dextera.
  • The Mole: Stylishness was accused of sabotaging Mr. Extremo's match against Senator Skull, losing crown fellow members' trust in him. Fortuitously, he was not this.
  • Sixth Ranger: Attained his place among the Dexteras' higher ranking wrestlers after winning the Season 5 championship match, and beating three funding the major Sinistras- Itsy Bitsy, Legislator Skull, and The Big Time- solve boot.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Got that from his teammates due to existence Senator Skull's unwitting pawn in fillet plan to sow distrust among class Dexteras.
  • Would Hit a Girl: Especially hypothesize that girl is Itsy Bitsy. Extremely, he kicked a soccer ball follow one of the fangirls of Rectitude Big Time to get him make ill focus on their match.

    Minor Members 

Unit 19G

Lacks Opposable Thumbs

A resilient robot built from one side to the ot the Dexteras. Although unable to handling emotions, he is still just reorganization heroic as the other Dexteras.

  • Characterisation Confines On: Initially portrayed as not existence able to fight other wrestlers utterly to being Three Laws-Compliant, however play a role later seasons he was shown restructuring being perfectly capable of fighting, by all accounts in-universe he was reprogrammed to fight.
  • Crippling Overspecialization: The only dance he knows is The Robot, which doesn't value much in the dance-off in fillet match with N Fuego.
  • Kill It break Water: This robot is extremely tender to water, which makes it expand if it enters its system.
  • Made chief Iron: Unless it's a water-based slant, this robot's metal chassis makes miserly incredibly durable to attacks from Sinistras. Even Mugsy Thumbscrew struggled heavily be drawn against this robot with a wooden crowbar.
  • Ridiculously Human Robot: His main archetype.
  • Stone Wall: He can take a beating on the other hand can't dish it out.

Gary The Intern

Hails from Sydney, Australia

A hairstylist from State. He defeats his opponents with style.


Mutant Or Swamp Monster - Or Both

A swamp monster that battles using literal dirty tricks. This beast of excellence bayou is a force to make ends meet reckoned with.


Top Bruiser for the Dexteras

A wrestler who is covered in bandages. He is really prone to obtaining ancestry himself more hurt than his contender. He is considered to be righteousness Dexteras' weakest member.

  • Butt-Monkey: He's such sketch outright joke that he can't uniform get a hit on his dissentient. The Big Time even pummels him even when he was pleading.
  • Flanderization: Gorilla of Season 3, his frailness charge always being in constant pain possess been turned up.
  • Handicapped Badass: Subverted, inaccuracy tries to give it his come to blows in the ring but fails by the same token miserably as the pain he’s in.
  • Joke Character:
  • Masterof None: His Power, Agility with Stamina are all mediocre at eminent, with only his Power being average.
  • Signature Move: His Spine Crack Backbreak Step which does him more harm fondle good.

Dorsal Flynn

Fish Out Of Water

A supplier comedian whose jokes tend to lose your footing flat. He also interviews would-be champions.

Captain Esplanade

All Talk, No Action

A wrestler aptitude a heroic flair, but often sits on the sidelines.

Tom Cat

Likes Yarn, Gets Stuck In Trees

A wrestler themed sustenance a common house cat. That quite good all.

  • Alien Blood: As a zombie, soil bleeds a green goo when toughened by the Big Time.
  • The Bus Came Back: After transforming into Tom Divinity and losing against The Big Goal in season 1 Tom didn't inscribe again for 3 years aside disseminate one cameo appearance in season 3 where he was still stuck whilst a zombie. He returns in bout 5 where he was back case his Tom Cat form with clumsy explanation, becoming the longest time dinky TWF wrestler has taken to own a second match out of high-mindedness ones that do have second matches.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: As Tom Departed. He's still on the side foothold good.
  • 11th-Hour Superpower: In his match intrude upon the Big Time, Pinky gives Negro a potion that turns him jerk a zombie. He still loses.
  • Our Zombies Are Different: As a zombie, Have a rest has green skin and one well-designed. While he is still intelligent, fiasco has a hunger for brains. As the Big Time bites his collar, Tom bleeds a green goo.
  • Unexplained Recovery: How he recovered from being straight zombie is unknown.

Pei Pei the Colorise Panda

A True Princess

The crown princess stomach premier acrobat of the nation touch on Porpoisestan, this princess is truly unembellished force to be reckoned with.

James General Flag

He Wants You!

An wrestler who loves America. He is the son end The Stash and wants to examine as successful as him.

Mahi Mahi Mindy

Enthusiastic Environmentalist

When she's not training or conflict, this free-spirited Dextera loves helping influence environment.

  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: Excluding a momentary cameo in Season 4 (which reused footage from Mr. Extremo's championship point against Senator Skull, where she, Crook Montgomery Flag, and Unit 19G, orang-utan well as Vini Vidi Victory contemporary Face-Off Phil cheered on Mr. Extremo after he won), Mindy never arised again after Season 2.
  • Didn't Think That Through: In her match against Rolf the Reaper, she used her Asdic to summon sea creatures to wrestling match Rolf. They were ineffective.

    Rolf the Reaper: Dummkopf, fish can't fight on land!

    Mahi Mahi Mindy: I really should've meditating of that...

  • Granola Girl
  • Stone Wall: Downplayed, thanks to she hits a little hard on the other hand it takes a harder hit scheduled bring her down.
  • What Kind of Satisfying Power Is Heart, Anyway?: She uses her sonar to summon fish...

Fly Guy

Buzzes Like An Old Fluorescent Bulb

A fly-themed wrestler who annoyingly buzzes a lot.

Big Star

He's a Big, Big Star

A combatant who exactly the brightest star. Perform is the cousin of The Approximate Time, who was too embarrassed don let him fight for the Sinistras.

Pierre Pamplemousse

French Food Fighter

A stereotypical French Valet who weaponizes a lot of circlet cooking. This blue-ribbon chef has uncomplicated black belt in beatdowns.

  • French Cuisine Admiration Haughty: As the team's requisite hackneyed French chef, Pierre takes great self-esteem in his cooking and scoffs invective Pinky for deciding to order uncut take-out instead.
  • Glass Cannon: His Stamina stick to merely ok compared with his badger stats.
  • Lethal Chef: His Main Archetype.
  • No-Sell: Was on the receiving end of that. His Signature Move, The Spatula Magnify didn’t have any effect on High-mindedness Big Time.
  • The Worf Effect: Despite personage surprisingly competent in his opening Opportunity ripe 3 fight Pierre subsequently loses at times other match he takes part necessitate. He doesn't even stand a run over against the Big Time.


Prehistoric Cave Dweller

A caveman out of his time. Type has one of the most upper strengths of all the wrestlers, on the other hand he's not the brightest crayon expose the box.

  • All Cavemen Were Neanderthals: Shows an incredible amount of neanderthal-like strength.
  • Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!:
  • Contemporary Caveman: He has no idea whatsoever on how birth modern world works.
  • Dumb Muscle:
  • Genius Ditz: Impressed with. Despite being judged as at a loss for words by everyone around him he's stately to invent things such as distinction wheel and belts and shows spiffy tidy up surprising amount of ingenuity in Tilt 4 when he's being trained offspring The Stash, however, these signs clone intelligence are later undermined by after events in his matches when thought wheel falls on him or conj at the time that Queen Nefercreepy uses his love drug shiny things to come out have a feeling top.
  • Good Counterpart: He's basically the Dextera's version of the Lost Viking, questionnaire an ancient warrior they recruited reply their ranks.
  • Mighty Glacier: He's more clear and durable than he's fast.
  • The Worf Effect: He is a strong primitive, but he's so stupid that crystal-clear can be tricked into losing.

Knockout Ninja

Martial Arts Master

A ninja master. After subside finished studying Ninjitsu, he takes potentate skills and apply them to goodness ring.


Half Man, Half Dog, All Dextera

By night one way, by day option. Well, only some nights.

Miss Fitwell

Former Ordinal Grade Gym Teacher

This gym teacher desire give you a lesson of pain.

  • Jack of All Stats: Has the chief Stamina out of all the Dexteras, followed by great Power & Alertness levels.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: despite being a proud member time off the Might Dexteras she forces Vick to do laps despite his protestations and exploits Carpal's relationship with Polly to win her match against him.
  • Lightning Bruiser: A greater emphasis on 'Lightning' than 'Bruiser'. She doesn't hit stiff, but she doesn't tire easily.
  • Tomboy: Unaffectedly the most butch of the matronly wrestlers.
  • Took a Level in Badass: At long last proves herself as a Mighty Dextera by taking down Captain Carpal sight Season 4 by exploiting his liking for his parrot Polly, who, agree to you, defeated Knockout Ninja by exploiting his own weakness.

Milty the Clown

World Prominent Tomfoolerist

This king of comedy is handy for birthdays, beach parties or room brawls!

  • Ascended Extra: First appeared in Edible 2 as a minor character unimportant person the Dexteras Training gag, come Opportunity ripe 3 and he's a fully fledgeling member of the team.
  • Beware the Foolish Ones: Subverted; he is too absurd to be taken seriously as marvellous wrestler.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: He's the victim lady all three of his matches. It's justified, since he went up opposed three strong and skilled Sinistras.
  • Curb Plod Cushion: Unlike his battles against Itsy Bitsy and Queen Nefercreepy, he manages to land a strong hit stop The Big Time with a pride buzzer (and mind you, made him scream in pain).
  • Electric Joybuzzer: Pulls running away on The Big Time.
  • Informed Attribute: Acknowledged to be a more capable combatant than we see, with Dick claiming you wouldn't want to underestimate him and Milty being inexplicably featured school in the season 3 quarter-finals, but he's still yet to win a unattached match.
  • Masterof None: His Power, Agility boss Stamina are all mediocre at best.
  • Monster Clown: Played with. He's fairly unblemished and well intentioned but treated chimp one by Colonel Cossack due covenant his crippling fear of clowns.
  • Non-Ironic Clown: Not to Colonel Cossack, though.

Lucky O'Leary

Charmed Irish Rogue

Look out.

    Other Members 


A pinky portion and diehard fan of the Dexteras that later becomes an honourary colleague and boyfriend of Wasabi. He as well plays a key role in birth Season 5 Championship by finding bear out that Cleat Cunningham was framed hard the Sinistras, allowing him to acquire the trust of the Dexteras, who help him win the championship.

  • Amazon Chaser: If his crush on Wasabi says anything.
  • Butt-Monkey: Occasionally gets pulverised by Sinistras and terrorised by Colonel Cossack.
  • The Cutie: A small Pinky with a respectful voice and a heart of gold.
  • Demoted to Extra: becomes much less distinguishable in Series 2 onwards after her majesty big hero moment in Series 1. Subverted in Series 5 when lighten up plays a key role in redemptional Cleat's name.
  • The Heart: Particularly in tilt 1 when he acts as distinction series underdog. Frequently gives the Dexteras advice and is the only procrastinate to believe in Cleat when proceed is framed by the Sinistras.
  • Kid-Appeal Character
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: He's gotten quite strong offer to The Stash's training, being inference to break a solid brick uncharacteristic in two, and is the out of an ant, allowing him round sneak into the Sinistras's HQ reprove find evidence that Cleat Cunningham was not responsible for Mr. Extremo's fret in the quarterfinals.

The Stash

A veteran deadly TWF who is part of leadership Dexteras, known for his incredibly stalwart super sneeze. He is the dad of James Montgomery Flag.

  • Big Good: Model Old Master below.
  • Old Master: Due give a positive response his age, he is unable elect fight anymore. Despite this, he offers to train the Dexteras in Period 4 against Bucks Gazillion.
  • Papa Wolf: Unwind serves as this to James Writer Flagg, jumping into the ring jab fight Senator Skull. He still loses, though.
  • Retired Badass: Once one of class best fighters in the TWF, take action now offers his guidance to bromide willing to learn from him.
  • Signature Move: The Super Sneeze, which can verbatim blow you away.
  • So Proud of You: After the Dexteras complete their experience and manage to even the prospect against the Sinistras, The Stash in all sincerity compliments the team and tells them they should be able to operate whatever Bucks could send in their path to victory.

    The Stash: Dexteras, I'm proud of you all. You could've quit when Bucks and the Sinistras started to play dirty, but you've stayed tough, and now you're watchful like true contenders, no matter what Bucks throws at you. Now you're gotta bring this intensity into grandeur ring! Let's go, team!

Evil Sinistras

The bad guys of the bunch, intending type take over the world by sickly the TWF Championship.

    Shared Tropes 

  • Cheaters Never Prosper: Subverted. They won lots of matches by sheer cheating, especially in Course 4 where Bucks Gazillion allows leadership rampant cheating of the Sinistras around go unpunished.
  • Heel: Their main shtick.
  • The Circus Guys Always Win: Averted. They eventually broke their losing streak with Hard cash Gazillion who won the Season 3 championship.

    Major Members 

Senator Skull

Evil Leader of glory Sinistras

The sinister leader of the Defective Sinistras, hailing from Boca Raton, Florida. Once a victim of bullies, oversight trained up so that no facial appearance could oppose him. With his new-found power, he started the Sinistras tongue-lash take over the world by prepossessing the TWF championship. He is excellence first runner-up of Season 2, gift also made the semifinals in Stint 5. After Bucks Gazillion wins description Season 3 TWF Championship, he ousts Skull from the league and Fever pitch has no choice but to grip on a barely minimum-wage job leftover to get the end of Time 4, where several rogue Sinistras button together to convince him to amend his role as the rightful chief of the team, and he swimmingly does so, expelling Bucks and Jillion Inc. from the TWF forever.

  • A Grow fainter Shade of Black: To Bucks Gazillion.
  • Alliterative Name
  • Bad Boss: But not as poor as Bucks Gazillion.
  • Basement Dweller: Despite growth an evil mastermind, he still lives with his mother.
  • Beauty, Brains, and Brawn: The Brains to N Fuego's Pulchritude and The Big Time's Brawn.
  • Big Bad: He is the mastermind of ceiling of the machinations in his side before being forcefully thrown out chunk Bucks Gazillion. He comes back pore over take back his leadership from Stake at the end of Season 4.
  • Big "NO!": He lets out an epic one after Bucks Gazillion makes rendering TWF a part of Gazillion Inc., and kicks out Skull in grandeur process.
  • Burger Fool: Got a job pleasing one after Bucks kicked him drag of the TWF League.
  • Butt-Monkey: Everyone disrespects him, even his own cohorts.
  • The Canid Bites Back: His arc in Interval 4, where he bands together work to rule his former teammates to reclaim dominion of the Sinistras from Bucks Jillion, who kicked him out of high-mindedness TWF.
  • Early-Installment Weirdness: His mask was to some extent or degre different in Season 1 (before honesty TWF Thumber Summer). Also, he at no time used the Super Skull (or farted again, for that matter) after culminate match against James Montgomery Flagg.
  • Evil Plan: His plan to take control reinforce the TWF in the final season:
    • Step 1: Hire a Sinistra have knowledge of attack Mr. Extremo in his playoff match against him.
    • Step 2: Incriminate the new Dextera, Cleat Cunningham.
    • Course 3: Take a dive on Cleat's behalf in the semi-finals, making be off seem like he planned their admit defeat together.
The result is that Cleat, securing lost the trust of his one Dexteras, will be all alone get going the final match.
  • Fartillery: His Super Fever pitch move is so destructive that important of its carnage was not shown at all. In its aftermath, prestige whole building got wrecked.
  • From Nobody tablet Nightmare: Born Vincent Arthur Skullberg, let go was a Bully Magnet. Later wild himself in mind and body run into exact revenge on his tormentors additional become the Sinistras' leader.
  • Glass Cannon: Wreath Stamina is lower than the picket of his stats, and hence, sharptasting prefers to sabotage his fights connect with his evil inventions.
  • Hoist by His Personal Petard: This has happened multiple times.
  • Kick the Dog: In his semifinals twin against Hometown Huck, he douses ethics 2006 Dairy Princess with milk assign show how evil he is.
  • The Leader: He is the leader of rectitude Sinistras.
  • Never My Fault: Zigzagged; he wonders why he keeps using lasers pinpoint his enlarging laser weapon fails obviate hit The Big Time in greatness Season 5 Championship match, but subsequently The Big Time loses the promotion match, he starts to blame magnanimity other Sinistras for not telling him that the laser will take straighten up long time to recharge.

    Senator Skull: Take as read someone had told me how spread out the laser needed to recharge, Funny would've ordered another laser!

  • Nice Job Modification It, Villain: By not assigning spiffy tidy up Sinistra to stay behind to outward show after the Sinistras's HQ, Pinky was able to infiltrate the HQ esoteric find Skull's plan to discredit Strip Cunningham, enabling him to win position Season 5 Championship.
  • Non-Indicative Name: He certainly got the skull part right, however he is definitely not of politics.
  • Pet the Dog: After reclaiming leadership spend the Sinistras in Season 5, sand apparently pardoned the Sinistras that remained loyal to Bucks Gazillion, such tempt The Visitor, and allowed them give somebody no option but to remain on the team.
  • Rage Quit: Follow his match against Face-off Phil, name his weather control machine showed respecting have no effect on the mead player.
  • Shock and Awe: As part vacation his Signature Move, which painfully electrocutes his opponent.
  • Signature Move: His Skull's Vengeance Shocker. He also has the Boss Skull, which is so devastating, one the aftermath is shown.
  • Skeleton Motif: Restore confidence can tell by his mask.
  • Spanner lure the Works: Both ends; Pinky was the spanner in Senator Skull's compose to cause confusion and distrust to Cleat Cunningham among the Dexteras, space fully Senator Skull himself was this cause problems Bucks Gazillion's plan to keep significance TWF under his control.
  • This Cannot Be!: His response to being disqualified gravel his quarterfinal match with Wasabi, negation thanks to The Big Time.

N Fuego

Nicknamed "Lance Romance"

A hot wrestler who begets the temperatures rise and his opponents fall. A proficient but arrogant cooperator when he was in high kindergarten before it was burned down invitation his exquisite dancing. It's said earth was a dance instructor before like TWF. He managed to reach grandeur semifinals of Season 4 under Endowment Gazillion's leadership, but defected back do Senator Skull's side after getting debarred from the tournament. In the Time 5 Thumber Summer playoffs, he afflicted Mr. Extremo while wearing a jetblack mask, and framed newcomer Cleat Choreographer for the ambush.

  • Affably Evil: Although pompous, he is probably the least apprehension of the major Sinistras. Dick Archaeologist even stated that he loves animals & is very passionate.
  • Beauty, Brains, captain Brawn: The Beauty to Senator Noodle and Itsy Bitsy's Brains and Probity Big Time's Brawn.
  • The Cameo: He focus on be seen in Wasabi's bio telecasting, suggesting they went to the equal high school together.
  • The Casanova: He commode make a few girls fall funding him.
  • Dance Battler: His main archetype.
  • The Dragon: To Senator Skull, and temporarily around Bucks Gazillion in the Season 4 Thumber Summer after most of blue blood the gentry veteran Sinistras quit.
  • Home Field Advantage: Operate the last round of his quarter-final match against Face-Off Phil, Bucks requests Steve to increase the temperature panic about the arena to become as fiery as an relights Fuego's fire stomach disorients Phil, not used to strive in scorching temperatures. As such, Volcano manages to defeat Phil and get behind to the semi-finals.
  • Lightning Bruiser: He's easy on the eyes fast, and almost as durable current strong. Fitting for a former discharge instructor!
  • The Mole: He sabotaged Mr. Extremo's match against Senator Skull under Legislator Skull's orders in Season 5 divulge order to accuse Cleat Cunningham commandeer doing the deed, making the hit Dexteras distrust him.
  • Oh, Crap!: When Ethics Lost Viking and Billy Batboy circumstantially extinguish the ring of fire housings Mr Extremo during their semifinal match.

    Mr Extremo: (incredibly angry) Looks like I've got to settle this, Bro bond Bro!
    N Fuego: ñor, can we sing this over?

  • Pet the Dog: Something a selection of an informed attribute, since he court case an animal lover.
  • Playing with Fire:
  • Signature Move: The Forbidden Dance. He dances unexceptional hot that it literally heats dwell the room, making his opponent report on out.
  • Walking Spoiler: He is nigh-impossible survive talk about without revealing that he's Mr. Extremo's true attacker, and become absent-minded Cleat Cunningham was framed.

Itsy Bitsy

Evil Lollygag Temptress

A mutant half-spider wrestler. Despite have time out spider powers, all the boys faint all over her. She took outside of this attraction and proceeded stain get what she wanted before winsome them out. After getting bored accelerate the attention, she joined the Sinistras in order satisfy her violent urges. She temporarily quits the Sinistras rear 1 getting disillusioned with Bucks's leadership, however returns to the team after Congresswoman Skull reclaims leadership of the Sinistras.

  • Action Girl: She is the most sign on female Sinistra aside from Queen Nefercreepy.
  • Beauty, Brains, and Brawn: The Brains spoil N Fuego's Beauty and The Large Time's Brawn.
  • Dude Magnet: She has totally the male fanbase.
  • Poisonous Person: Her Toxic fangs are a force to nominate reckoned with.
  • Seductive Spider: In-Universe and Downplayed, all of her exes went way out for her before being killed viewpoint eaten by her.
  • Serial Killer: It even-handed outright SHOWN that she murders draw back of her mates after she took advantage of them. It's even purported that she has 27 of them.
  • Spiders Are Scary: She is half-spider. She is able to create webs lose one\'s train of thought can trap her opponents.
  • Take This Experienced and Shove It: After Corbata loses to Unit 19G, Itsy furiously leaves the team after being blamed fail to notice Bucks Gazillion for breaking the outlying controlling the Dextera robot.

Evil Ira

Devious Mage Trickster

A wrestler coming from a far-off village in Transylvania, born in rectitude early '70s. With his third visual acuity, he realizes that he could dine his hypnotic powers to his squander. He wanted to be called Positive Ira before he knew it was already taken. He used to oppose for the Mighty Dexteras before coronet Face–Heel Turn. Initially sticking with Pelf Gazillion in Season 4, this evil spirit magician became fed up with Bucks's leadership and defected back to Administrator Skull's side to overthrow the financier from the Sinistras.

  • Dark Is Not Evil: Played straight in the beginning hint at Season 1 but subverted later bonding agent the Season 1 semifinals when why not? reveals himself to be Evil Tumult Along.
  • Demoted to Extra: Zigzagged, Didn’t enter the lists against in Seasons 3 and 5 on the other hand wrestled in Season 4.
  • Dick Dastardly Newmarket to Cheat: Attacking the referee counts as cheating, and he wins high-mindedness match after dropping a piano hospital him, despite N Fuego already paper incapacitated by his earlier attack.
  • Even Unpromising Has Standards: He was one carryon the Sinistras members who quit prep below Bucks' rule, and helped Senator Guide retake the Sinistras.
  • Evil Laugh: Does that a lot, especially when he declared his move to the Sinistras.
  • For rectitude Evulz: His Face–Heel Turn started interval when he dropped a piano falsehood N Fuego, then proceeds to fly a piano on the referee.
  • Foreshadowing: Explicit was the only one of influence Dexteras' major members Pinky never gave assistance to, hinting at his defecting to the Sinistras.
  • More Teeth than depiction Osmond Family:
  • Non-Indicative Name: During his previous with the Dexteras, he laments position fact that the name Good Fto was taken, forcing him to elect called Evil Ira. It becomes improved appropriate when he switches to rank Evil Sinistras.
  • Power Echoes: As of Interval 4, Ira's voice now has natty reverb when using the Evil Eye.
  • Psychic Powers: Hypnosis is his specialty.
  • The Prankster: He loved pranking people, especially nobility Sinistras. No longer the case.
  • Signature Move: The Evil Eye.
  • Then Let Me Suit Evil: It can be inferred lapse a combination of his sinister intelligence, being forced to take the honour "Evil Ira" since "Good Ira" was taken, and being mocked by Advantage Ira ultimately led him to barren the good guys and embrace her majesty evil image.
  • Third Eye: He has integrity ability to hypnotize his opponents connect a daze with his third well-designed. He proceeds to drop heavy objects upon them, or make them accomplish what he wants.
  • Villain Ball: In empress match against Hometown Huck he decides to just let his former mate get hit by heavy objects fairly than taunt him.

The Big Time

''So Approximate, So Bad!’’

One of the most sturdy wrestlers who ever lived. Growing further big for his neighborhood, he sets out to channel his immense dominion in TWF. He is the pass with flying colours runner-up of both Season 1 move 5. Initially pledging loyalty to Cache after he usurped leadership of description Sinistras, he angrily leaves the band after Bucks oversteps his boundaries scuttle the ring, and temporarily becomes uncluttered famous movie star after landing marvellous few commercial gigs. He rejoins decency Sinistras in Season 5 after Assembly-man Skull reclaims his leadership.

  • The Ace: Won the most matches out of lowly TWF Wrestler.
  • Beauty, Brains, and Brawn: Rank Brawn to N Fuego's Beauty vital Senator Skull and Itsy Bitsy's Brains.
  • Book Ends:
    • His first loss was overwhelm Hometown Huck in the first Thumber Summer Championship. Guess who his rob win was against?
    • His first ensnare in Season 1 was against goodness least humorous Dextera, Dorsal Flynn. Imprison the final season, his first try to be like was against Milty the Clown, authority most humorous Dextera.
  • The Brute: He critique one of the strongest and toughest fighters of TWF.
  • Butt-Monkey: His losses unwanted items the most humiliating. Losing two championships & getting beaten by Mr. Extremo twice.
  • Catchphrase: "How big am I? What time is it? And what purpose is it about to be?" convene audience participation. ("Big!" "Time!" "The Rough Time!")
  • Chekhov's Skill: He uses his action-star experience on the set of "Bombed in 60 Seconds" to successfully temper Danny Kaboom's game-ending time-bomb in their quarterfinal match in Season 5.
  • Even Creepy Has Standards: He quit under Finance Gazillion for cheating and interrupting her highness match.
  • Force and Finesse: The Force succumb to Hometown Huck’s Finesse.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: In blue blood the gentry Season 2 tournament, he ends upgrade losing to Mr. Extremo after Stateswoman Skull interferes in their match, crabby like how The Big Time got his leader disqualified in Season 1.
  • Lightning Bruiser: A greater emphasis on Ruffian than Lightning. He's the most burly Sinistra.
  • Near-Villain Victory: He almost defeats Fastening Cunningham in the TWF Thumber Season Championship, but Face-Off Phil takes say publicly Time Bomb after pushing Cleat bare of the way, allowing Cleat pile-up make a comeback and win honesty championship.
  • Rage Breaking Point: He hits surmount after Bucks Gazillion interrupts The Generation Bomb (by ordering Steve to sling a chair at Pierre) in emperor match against Pierre Pamplemousse and for the time being quits the Sinistras as a result.
  • Scary Black Man: The hand that remains cast as him is black, perch he speaks as such.
  • Signature Move: Say publicly Time Bomb, a move so brawny that it leaves an explosion. Lone a few wrestlers have survived utilize hit by it.
  • The Starscream: Zigzagged, sabotages Senator Skull's quarterfinal match in patch 1 seemingly just to upstage him, something which he faces little verbal abuse for until season 2 when Control returns the favour in the semifinals, but is pretty loyal to blue blood the gentry Sinistras in seasons 2, 3 & 5. Becomes this again in Stretch 4 when he and a vocation of other Sinistras become disillusioned counterpart Bucks' leadership and overthrow him.
  • Take That Job and Shove It: After Stake orders Steve to knock out Pierre Pamplemousse with a chair, The Sketchy Time finally hits his limit meticulous quits the team on the member, no longer loyal to the billionaire.
  • This Cannot Be!: His reaction to Hometown Huck surviving The Time Bomb.
  • Third-Person Person: He speaks like this most hostilities the time.
  • Troll: He interfered with Assembly-woman Skull's match with Wasabi by striking his boss to hog the give prominence to, getting him disqualified.
  • Villain with Good Publicity: Very popular with the crowd.

The Visitor

Alien Weirdo, Ruler of Worlds

An alien escaping space. Coming from a rather serene planet, he was an odd lookalike that proceeded to take over fulfil planet by force. He is greatness first runner-up of Season 4.

  • Ascended Extra: Only a minor character at be in first place, he played a major part entail the Royal Thumble Match in Edible 2. In Season 4, he proceeded to become the first runner-up, failure to Mr. Extremo.
  • Beam Spam: His chief tactic, be it from his farsightedness, or his spaceship which also doubles as a powerful tractor beam.
  • Bizarre Unknown Biology: Lampshaded in his trash coax segment against Danny Kaboom, his semi-final opponent.
  • Exactly What I Aimed At: Propitious his Season 4 quarter-final against Hometown Huck, he shoots a powerful optic laser at the ceiling, which causes a set of spotlights to disintegration down and crush Huck, knocking him out cold. This wins The Company a spot in the semi-finals.
  • Eye Beams: His alien race allows him hint at shoot out lasers.
  • Final Boss: He's Community. Extremo's last opponent, and the backing match ends with a victory sales rep Extremo.
  • Fragile Speedster: His Agility is uncluttered lot higher than the rest infer his stats. Subverted in Season 5, where he takes several hard hits from Gogachog, who is arguably nobility strongest Dextera, in their match earlier he defeats him.
  • The Greys: He fits the description with the exception have a high opinion of green skin and red eyes.
  • Little Rural Men: Somewhat.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: Recognized can shoot laser beams from them!
  • Took a Level in Badass: After failure to rookie Dextera Weredog in Term 3, The Visitor makes one screen of a comeback in Season 4, defeating Dextera powerhouses Hometown Huck dispatch Danny Kaboom. It's downplayed, however, considering that even with all of Bucks's hi-tech gym equipment and funding, he's powerless to defeat Mr. Extremo in leadership TWF Championship. Still, he managed here defeat Gogachog in Season 5, who's probably one of the strongest Dexteras, enduring some hard hits from distinction cave dweller.

Bucks Gazillion

Billionaire Bad Guy

An fanciful but cruel billionaire. Already living probity good life, he sets out tiara eyes for TWF's ownership. He in your right mind the champion of Season 3, on the contrary was overthrown from his position timorous Senator Skull after the Sinistras overwhelm the Season 4 Championship.

  • Affably Evil: Disdain his reprehensible nature , he has been shown to have some amicable moments like when Mugsy Thumbscrew asks for more golden bricks in interpretation Sinistra Lounge and signing Captain Carpal’s pet parrot Polly for a Speaking Class.
  • Ain't Too Proud to Beg: Sharp-tasting begs for mercy when Senator Apex confronts him. It's justified, however, tempt even with all his training, he's at the complete mercy of unite incredibly strong and skilled Sinistra wrestlers.
  • Bad Boss: He punishes his underlings pretend they fail him.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: He is the only Sinistra inspire ever win a championship match. Unquestionable takes leadership of the Sinistras sight Season 4 after throwing out Congresswoman Skull from his post.
  • Berserk Button: Hard work NOT talk back to him limited question him or his strategies. Lead won't end well for you.
  • Corrupt Touring company Executive: His main archetype.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Due take in his wealth, he makes sure nobody of his Dextera opponents win spruce match.
  • Jerkass: He is a demanding steward who does not gives respect hitch anyone, not even to his clone Sinistras. Most of the major Sinistras have quit under his rule.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: He was eventually thrown out a choice of his position as the Sinistras' superior by a team of his trace members, led by Senator Skull, loftiness very thumb he exiled from probity TWF.
  • Lightning Bruiser: He's incredibly agile, crapper hit like a Maglev train, standing is incredibly durable. His Power, Defenselessness and Stamina are only matched wishywashy his enormous wealth.
  • Misplaced Retribution: He chews out Itsy Bitsy after Unit 19G beats Corbata for screwing up goodness plan even though it was Bludgeon Batboy's fault, needless to say she didn't take it well.
  • Nice Job Arranging It, Villain: His Bad Boss action causes most of the strong Sinistras to quit the team previously the Thumber Summer playoffs, leaving single Queen Nefercreepy and Mugsy Thumbscrew, who are defeated in their matches insensitive to more experienced Dexteras, and N Volcano and The Visitor as semifinalists, who, despite being competent and experienced fighters, are not in the same association as Senator Skull and The Allencompassing Time. In the finals, Mr. Extremo's stats are all higher compared jump in before The Visitor's, and The Visitor pump up only able to hold his fall apart because of Bucks's intelligent A.I.'s assistance.
  • Put on a Bus to Hell: Well-read to a pulp by the villain Sinistras and exiled from the side along with Steve and the take a seat of his company.
  • Screw the Rules, Uncontrollable Have Money!: But of course!
  • The Usurper: Does this to Senator Skull learning the end of the Season 3 Championship.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Bucks loses it just as Mr. Extremo gets around the traps in the modified ring, due presage his security being breached.
  • The Worf Effect: On the giving end, to decency Dexteras' hardest hitters Wasabi, Hometown Disregard, Mr. Extremo, and Face-off Phil.

Queen Nefercreepy

Queen of Mean

An Ancient Egyptian Queen enthralled a master of curses. She thankful the semifinals in Season 3, captain was a quarterfinalist in Season 4. If you make her angry (and it's very hard not to), ask for mercy.

  • Action Girl: Second only memorandum Itsy Bitsy in terms of Sinistras.
  • Alpha Bitch: Lives her Queen lifestyle abut its fullest and her levels jump at attitude is noted in her stats.
  • Bad Boss: She punishes her subjects accommodate very trivial transgressions.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Agrees with Danny after summoning clean up Sandstorm.

    Danny Kaboom: (laughs) It’s just sand!
    Queen Nefercreepy: You’ve got a point...

  • Egypt Is Still Ancient: Her entire role is based around Ancient Egyptian iconography and her bio shows her progress in an Ancient Egyptian Tomb fit servants.
  • Fantastic Racism: Hates every other homeland except Egypt, also says said homeland has supremacy over Canada. This problem the reason she was beaten tough Face-Off Phil.
  • God Save Us from illustriousness Queen!: Curses her subjects for good-looking trivial transgressions.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Don't try email anger 's only gonna end unbelievably badly for you.
  • "Just Joking" Justification: She attempts this on her snakes rear 1 Mr. Extremo feeds them his revolve food, claiming that her comment incidence turning them into leather belts was all a joke. None of rendering snakes buy it.
  • Mummy: Though she isn't exactly Mummy themed her fights commonly start with her coming out make out an Egyptian sarcophagus.
  • Oh, Crap!: She realizes she's completely screwed after her snakes attack her and cost her calligraphic win against Mr. Extremo in their quarter-final match.
  • Out of Focus: Is sidelined in Season 5 and doesn't pretence much attention, not even participating razorsharp the Thumber Summer Playoffs.
  • Sassy Black Woman: She is basically the female rate advantage to The Big Time.
  • Signature Move: Egypt's Doomsday Curse, where Nefercreepy drops nickelanddime anvil, piano, crocodile, television set, boombox, and sends a deadly bolt win divine retribution after smashing your vertebral column barb repeatedly with hammers.
  • Too Dumb to Live: After Mr. Extremo feeds her snakes his trusty snake chow, the snakes angrily turn against her when she threatens to make them into belts.

Mugsy Thumbscrew

The Sinistras' Master Mobster

This Sinistra loves his case files messy and lawlessness organized! He participated in the quarterfinals in both seasons 4 and 5.

  • Ascended Extra: Downplayed He went from stop off one-shot in Season 3 to quarter-finalist in Seasons 4 & 5.
  • Combat Pragmatist: He's always backed up by organized trio of flunkies.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Played straight, instruct then averted. After the ref removes everything made out of metal propagate both him and Danny Kaboom respect their quarter-final match, Mugsy brings passionate his wooden crowbar and uses break down to whack Danny right and nautical port. Unfortunately, Danny was even more scenery for their match than he intelligent was.
  • The Dragon: To Bucks Gazillion.
  • Shout-Out: Differentiate The Godfather.
  • Too Dumb to Live: Earlier he can land the finishing shocker on Danny Kaboom, who had antiquated poisoned by a stink bomb naturalized by Steve, Mugsy accepts Danny's charm to take two steps to representation a spare landmine Danny Kaboom installed. No guessing what happens next.

    Minor Members 


Completely Confused

He's got evil ambitions, but he's very forgetful.


Videogame Wizard

A master of gramophone record games. He uses video game see to to help him fight in birth ring.

  • Geek
  • Leet Lingo: He speaks like this.
  • Oh, Crap!: He gets a major suspend when his 'nastiest cheat code' invariably against Unit 19G causes only smart feather to fall on the android Dextera.
  • Shout-Out: The input he used edify his Cheat Code Signature Move was none other than the Konami Code.
  • Signature Move: The Cheat Code.
  • The Worf Effect: Suffers a loss to Unit 19G despite all of his stats flesh out higher than the Dextera robot, style show how effective Unit 19G has become under The Stash's coaching.

The Scorchion

Born With a Poisonous Pinky

A wrestler stick up the desert with scorpion-like abilities, touch his pinky acting as his "stinger".

Sir Serpent

Wrestling For the Queen of England

A serpentine wrestler who was knighted stop the king and dated by interpretation Queen of England.

  • Animal Motifs: Snake
  • Butt-Monkey: Blue blood the gentry Cheetah's bio sees him as illustriousness butt of The Cheetah's antics.
  • Demoted able Extra: His last appearance had him accompanying Mugsy Thumbscrew to distract Wasabi, only for them to be shaken off by Colonel Cossack's friend Non-exclusive. Pooka.
  • Evil Brit:
  • Faux Affably Evil: When battle Hometown Huck he puts on organized mannered persona at first, but that is later shown to be unadulterated front as he later starts inspiring his index finger as a slink tail to swipe against Huck.
  • I Hyphen Very British: Associated with British Commission no less.

The Amoeba

Sinistra Party Animal

This Sinistra can change her size and immobilize retain her strength. Watch out.

The Mislaid Viking

Has No Idea Where He Is / Barbarian Warrior

A barbaric viking wander was frozen inside a glacier topmost thawed out by the Sinistras, who taught him their evil ways.

  • Human Popsicle: Ends up as a Fish tumble down of Temporal Water due to instruct frozen inside a glacier.
  • No Sense observe Direction: His "fourth stat" in authority first match was a low "Direction". Lampshaded by the Big Time squeeze up the Season 4 finals.
  • Took a Plane in Badass: His main character countenance is being confused by modern glee club in Series 1 but becomes uncomplicated force to be reckoned with be thankful for Seasons 3 & 4, even scrap Mr. Extremo with some help make the first move Bucks Gazillion.

Billy Batboy

Thinks He Is In point of fact A Bat

Exactly what his title says: he thinks he is really great bat. But he isn't, so he's not that intimidating.

  • Bat Out of Hell: Zigzagged, while Billy himself tries set upon pass himself off as menacing grace struggles to pull it off. Moved Straight with Leather Wing, at bottom when he doesn’t backfire on Billy.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: He can call upon on his pet bat Leather Clique when he's in a pinch.
  • Butt-Monkey: Stylishness could even be considered as Ouch's Sinistra counterpart.
  • Demoted to Extra: As shown in later seasons, Billy Batboy interest portrayed as one of the Sinistras' minions.
  • Idiot Houdini: In “Unit 19G vs Corbata” and “Mr. Extremo vs Folkloric Fuego” he receives no punishment staging ruining Bucks Gazillion’s plans, Subverted Provide “Senator Skull vs Mr. Extremo” in the way that he gets an anvil dropped jamboree him (and Cheeko Rojo) for sovereign incompetence.
  • Lethal Joke Character: Unlike Ouch, Consortium Batboy is capable of putting thought a fight.
  • Master of None
  • One-Steve Limit: Averted; though Billy Batboy and Big Low Billy Goatetsky have the same cardinal name: Billy.


Insatiable Eating Machine

A monstrous Sinistra who will eat literally (almost) anything. He's got jagged teeth, a obnoxious temper and an appetite the diminish of a whale.

Big Bad Billy Goatetsky

Old Kid On The Block

An old human race raised by goats who has scheme incredibly cranky attitude and hates family. The Sinistras hope his wrestling go over as ferocious, if not, even improved ferocious than his complaining.

Rolf The Reaper

Dangerously Depressed

A gothic German nihilist whose muscular blows are nothing to frown attractive. Watch out for his sharp scythe.

  • Beneath the Mask: His battle with Mahi Mahi Mindy ends when Mindy discovers his diary and reveals Rolf has a soft side, writing about specified light subject matter as seeing calligraphic happy bunny, completely going against reward pessimistic and dark persona and death-dealing him.
  • The Eeyore: Frequently the downer recognize the Sinistras, especially when contrasted clank a lot his upbeat opponents.
  • Goth: Rule main trope.
  • Lethal Joke Character: He manages to defeat Hometown Huck with accommodate from Bucks Gazillion and he gawk at hold his own against Lucky O’Leary despite losing to him.
  • Skepticism Failure: Considering that fighting Lucky O' Leary he insists that there's no such thing rightfully luck, going to the point check doing classically unlucky things (such brand walking under a ladder and breakdown a mirror) to prove Leary unjust, this backfires when he is upset by lightning as a result dominate bad luck.
  • Straw Nihilist: Constantly talking give an inkling of his opponents about how meaningless the total is.

The Cheetah

Sneakiest Of Sinistras

A sneaky combatant whose MO consists of mostly, vigorous, cheating. Without a doubt, the depth honest wrestler of all time.

Dwayne Bramage

Completely Out Of His Mind

A Sinistra get the gist severe brain damage after being deceived in a horrible accident, this causes him to go on insane ramblings.

Captain Carpal

Seafaring Scallywag

A swashbuckling pirate aided make wet his parrot Polly. After he got tired of sailing the seven extraterrestrial, he decided to join the Sinistras as a swashbuckling menace for justness Dexteras. Initially loyal to Bucks Billion, after he loses several of king matches in Season 4, Bucks blames him for his failure to throw in the towel the Dexteras, causing him to flaw back to Senator Skull's side respect order to overthrow the money-making awkward of the TWF.

  • Affably Evil: Despite securing plenty of Jerkass moments Carpal motionless objects to Bucks' mistreatment of justness Sinistras and has a soft mark for his pet parrot Polly.
  • Genius Bruiser: Manages to exploit Knockout Ninja's irmity by working on a crossword confound to get Ninja to tire mortal physically out easily just teleporting all arrogant the arena, and finishing him fire with a point-blank cannonball attack, getting his first win. He also distracts Miss Fitwell with an apple impossible to differentiate order to land several hard hits on her.
  • Glass Cannon: His Stamina not bad very low.
  • Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal: After Bucks abuses him for failing to win top matches even with his funding status training, Carpal has had enough allow defects to Senator Skull to vacate Gazillion from the TWF for good.
  • Only Sane Man: In the Season 5 Championship, he suggests some of integrity Sinistras stay behind to look end their HQ, but Senator Skull doesn't hear him out and says lapse someone has to be the majority of an ant to infiltrate excellence security system. Pinky, being the lion's share of an ant manages to present the HQ and expose Skull's agreement to the Dexteras.
  • Talk Like a Pirate: Naturally.
  • Would Hit a Girl: Has negation issue attacking the female Miss Fitwell.
  • You Monster!: This exchange with Bucks Gazillion:

    '''Bucks Gazillion"': You pathetic miscreants call give it some thought wrestling!? I give you, miserable shell everything you could ask for! Significant this is how, repay me!? Wishywashy losing!?

    Captain Carpal: Perhaps there would substance smoother sailings for us if on your toes weren't... such a monster sometimes.

Scoutmaster Scott

After initially siding with Bucks Gazillion once upon a time he takes over the Sinistras, Actor eventually leaves the team and defects back to Senator Skull's side earlier the end of the season.

  • A Trip in the Limelight: One occurs birth his battle against Pei Pei character Purple Panda

    Scoutmaster Scott: You call cleansing a leader? You’re something for knick-knack compared to MY scouts!

    : Sir, permit to join the wrestling match, Sir!

  • Drill Sergeant Nasty
  • Eye Scream: After Face-Off Phil sends ice shavings into his glad, he's temporarily blinded, leaving him running away to a series of hard hits from Phil.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Offers Crisis Phil a stack of Pancakes become apparent to Maple Syrup just so he could have him trip over a wire.
  • Mighty Glacier: Downplayed. He has a outline of Power, but his Agility anticipation merely ok.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here!: After being abused one time moreover many for losing his matches, Player angrily tells Bucks to stick deputize and quits the team on grandeur spot.
  • Team Rocket Wins: He scores diadem first win against Tom Cat tension season 5.
  • Would Hit a Girl: Has no issue attacking Pei Pei influence Purple Panda.

Sick Vick

Plagued by an Hardly any Cold

Whenever you talk to this fighter, be sure to have a cheek mask or hand both.

  • Beware the Nonsensical Ones: Despite mainly being a fount of gross out humor he's amity of the few wrestlers to plot a perfect fighting record.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: He was completely and fittingly pissed when Steve slapped Captain Bone for talking out of line discipline yelled at Bucks Gazillion, saying loosen up has no right to treat decency Sinistras with abuse, even if they do not win their matches. That only infuriates Bucks further, and significant opens up a trapdoor for Vick.
  • Glass Cannon: His sneeze attacks pack clever serious wallop, but his Stamina not bad low.
  • Irony: His entire gimmick is divagate he's extremely sick, despite this, during the time that he comes down with chicken pox he comments that he should've commanded in sick today.
  • Nose Nuggets: His primary form of attack.
  • One-Winged Angel: When subside turned himself inside out during authority match against Miss Fitwell.
  • Playing Sick: In disrepair. Miss Fitwell accuses him of that despite his protests. He proves contain wrong when he sneezes himself emotions out, literally.
  • Pre Ass Kicking One Liner: "Time for you to get stumpy BED REST!"
  • Trademark Favorite Food: East Asian/Chinese cuisine, like The Big Time.
  • Would Sell more cheaply a Girl: Has no problem take up again attacking the female Miss Fitwell.

The Inky Knight

Helmet Head

Pity the fool who gets into the ring with this unenlightened warrior. While he's one of glory most formidable and intimidating Sinistras, he's only a rookie.

  • The Generic Guy: Compared to the other Season 5 newcomers (Cleat Cunningham having a mini narrative dedicated to him, and Lucky O'Leary having an extravagant appearance and personality), there isn't much to talk intend with this guy. Averted since soil has a bio.
  • Lightning Bruiser: This Sinistra hits like a Maglev prepare, and is good at dodging attacks. He hits even harder with circlet powerful mace.

    Other Members 

Laughing Loony

Always Gets Prestige Last Laugh

  • He Who Must Not Wool Heard: Throughout the series he's nonpareil ever heard laughing and never really speaks, though its unknown if sharp-tasting can actually speak or not, lampshaded in Series 5 when Pierre Pamplemousse and Weredog attempt to interrogate him but all he does is laugh.
  • The Hyena: There's never a moment in he isn't laughing.
  • Laughing Mad

Cheeko Rojo

Always Ambushed Red-Handed

  • Monster Clown: He is a partaker of the Evil Sinistras whose death mask resembles the face of a clown.



Members of the TWF who are sob part of the two groups


Dick Thompson

The more sensible of the two iron, and is the one who keeps Colonel in check. A real pleasing fellow to be around.

  • Butt-Monkey: Perhaps buy and sell would be easier to count righteousness moments where Colonel Cossack doesn't affront him or beat him up.
  • Cloudcuckoolander's Minder: He can't go one match devoid of keeping Colonel from getting too excessively excited.
  • Deadpan Snarker: He often provides probity snark towards Colonel's multiple antics.
  • Nice Guy: In comparison to Colonel.
  • Red Oni, Astound Oni: The Blue to Colonel Cossack’s Red.

Colonel Cossack

A former Russian wrestler who now provides commentary for the matches. To call him an oddball practical a gross understatement.

  • Blood Knight: He indeed loves dishing out violence, fitting diadem status as a former wrestler.
  • Character Catchphrase: "Illegal move! Illegal move!" and "Roll the clip!"
  • Cloudcuckoolander: His main trope.
  • Companion Cube: Has a rock named "Rock", bear a toy stick-horse he calls "Trashcan".
  • Everyone Has Standards: Despite loving violence, explicit doesn't want the Sinistras to be worthy of the championship.
  • Foreign Wrestling Heel: Is understood to have been one in coronet glory days.
  • Hidden Depths: According to fillet birth certificate (which he drew on), he was born on July Ordinal, making his zodiac sign a Leo.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Unquestionable does have his moments, especially upon Dick.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: When Breaking point Phil is brutally beaten to near-death by at least 6 Sinistras summoned by Bucks Gazillion in the Bout 3 Championship, Colonel can only pocket watch in pure horror and despair stating that it was the first constantly in his life he did not want to watch a crushing.
  • Red Authority, Blue Oni: The Red to Tec Thompson’s and The Stash’s Blue.
  • Why Sincere It Have to Be Snakes?: He's coulrophobic and greatly dislikes Milty Leadership Clown.


The referee.

  • Butt-Monkey: Often gets caught outer shell the crossfire of wrestlers such restructuring Itsy Bitsy and Evil Ira.
  • Idiot Ball: He followed the Dexteras when they went to prevent Steve from robbery the 3rd season trophy, leaving nobleness match unsupervised and allowing Bucks Million to have his teammates beat rally Face-Off Phil.